I still haven't figured out how to stop *grin*
(Meanwhile, if you look closely at the blader behind me, she's going sideways!)
(Meanwhile, if you look closely at the blader behind me, she's going sideways!)
Synopsis of a bad chick-flick: 31 and not quite where I thought I was going to be when I was 25... Oops!
I was a dang good stop mechanism. Probably because I was curled up in a heap on the floor!
Woman, I see blue skies, but you're wearing a singlet top?!
wow, what's happening in London? Is this inside? Why is there sun?
Anyway, there are a couple of ways to stop, but the most common one it to hit the brakes... This sounds trivial, doesn't it. Don't your blades have a black block of rubber on the back? If they don't, get one, if they do, that's your brake!
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